R&D Search & Evaluation
Ferrer OPEN
In Ferrer we believe innovation is an essential pillar in order to improve people’s quality of life and to make daily clinical life easier for healthcare professionals.
As a company, Ferrer is firmly committed towards social issues and sustainability (#Ferrerforgood), and it places its focus on searching for value added medication that contributes towards improving people’s lives and facilitating healthcare professionals’ day-to-day activities. With this objective in mind, and thanks to the great technological and scientific advances achieved over the course of the last few decades, we believe that a model of innovation based on collaborative research that allows us to combine talent and external ideas with Ferrer’s professional financing and management will aid in the development of more innovative drugs that provide increased added value for patients, in addition to a more efficient development.
In line with this way of understanding innovation, from Ferrer Open we drive this open innovation model with passion, dedication and enthusiasm in order to co-create and/or co-develop disruptive innovations that will allow us to advance in the provision of solutions for patients.
Ferrer Open initiative allows us to both foster and facilitate contact with the ecosystem’s most innovative actors (researchers, clinicians, Transfer Offices), as well as to detect disruptive therapeutic solutions within the scope of Ferrer’s areas of expertise requiring collaboration for their development.
Ferrer could be the right collaborator for you if you have a project underway which you seek to develop by means of an alliance, so please do not hesitate to send it to us.

Vascular and interstitial lung diseases
In the field of pulmonary diseases, at Ferrer we are especially active in diseases affecting the blood vessels of the lung, among which we find hypertension and pulmonary embolism. It is estimated that there are currently between 20 and 25 million people with pulmonary vascular disease. Ferrer is also very active in the development and search for solutions for all diseases affecting the pulmonary interstitium. Both groups of pulmonary pathologies, vascular and interstitial, significantly affect the patient's respiratory function with a direct impact on quality of life and affecting survival in certain cases.

Neurological disorders
Hundreds of millions of people worldwide suffer from neurological disorders that severely affect their condition. These high numbers are combined with broad evidence and consensus that neurological disorders represent one of the greatest challenges that public health will face in the coming decades. At Ferrer we are particularly interested in therapeutic solutions with an impact on neurological diseases with a cerebral component, such as Parkinson's or epilepsy, or a spinal cord component, such as motor neuron disorders or spinal cord injuries.

Might my project be of interest to Ferrer?
We at Ferrer are able to acknowledge the therapeutic value of a project, due to which we are passionate about studying any project that may generate a significant impact on the lives of patients.
The possibilities for arriving at a deal increase if your project:
- Is recommended for any of the aforementioned therapeutic areas.
- Has initiated any of the clinical testing phases on humans.
- Enjoys a solid intellectual property protection position.
- Presents clear advantages with regard to existing treatments (whether proven or potential).

What must I do to look into collaborating with Ferrer?
- Assess the need or convenience of sharing or discussing the initiative with your Transfer Office or your Institution’s Innovation Department.
- Submit the non-confidential information requested.
- Within a few weeks, a senior Ferrer scientist will be in touch so you may establish the following steps together.

What happens if my project is not selected?
As with any invitation to tender, the selection process discards a percentage of projects, whether it be due to a temporary or strategic misalignment or a lack of maturity. A negative decision is not necessarily a reflection of the scientific or clinical quality of the project.
Ferrer’s senior scientist will be able to advise you about any key tasks to be carried out, or about how to re-focus the indication or concept testing to help value your project from an investment perspective. This is our way of collaborating with the innovation ecosystem.

Does registering my project imply surrendering any of my rights?
No, the registration of your project at Ferrer Open does not require you to waive any of your rights. The intellectual property of your project remains the originator’s property at all times.
The conditions negotiation process starts once your project has been selected by Ferrer for co-development. Over the course of said negotiation, the intellectual property will remain unchanged, and, among other issues to be agreed upon, the distribution of the product’s commercial rights will be established based on the specific weight of the parties with regard to the project.