
Ferrer, partnering to transform experiences


At Ferrer, we use business to fight for social justice. As such, we focus on enhancing patient experience through holistic design, a cross-functional method for transforming patient experience in healthcare.

It encourages people to step back, to see the interconnectivity in the health system, and to seek out opportunities to enhance how patients interact with all components that contribute towards their healthcare. 

Our organization, approach and delivery of interventions enable all stakeholders to transform patients’ experiences of healthcare.

Holistic patients Ferrer

Our holistic approach to delivering solutions

We know that the best outcomes occur when people and systems work together effectively. As a vertically integrated company, we efficiently manage our value chain and are mobilised for cross-departmental collaborations. This ensures the patient voice is heard throughout our entire discovery, development, launch and patient pathway.

At Ferrer, we take a step back, consider the complete picture, and seek out opportunities to enhance how patients interact with all factors that contribute to their health.

Our approach allows us to collaborate with our partners to deliver solutions at the right time.

Áreas terapéuticas Ferrer

Partnering to transform experiences

Our ambition is to create mutually beneficial relationships between the patient community and Ferrer. We approach our ongoing relationships with patient advocacy groups and professional organizations with humility, empathy, optimism and curiosity.

Our relationships enable us to react appropriately to the evolving needs of the communities we serve and help us transform the experiences of patients at every stage of their disease.

Phantasticals Ferrer

Raising awareness

Our aim at Ferrer is to provide significant differential value to people suffering from severe illnesses. So we have defined a clear global strategy to develop a portfolio of holistic solutions and innovative products capable of transforming the lives of patients living with serious and debilitating diseases, especially in the field of pulmonary vascular and interstitial lung diseases.

In order to help raise awareness of Pulmonary Hypertension and Amyotrofic Lateral Sclerosis, we launch PHantasticALS as undeniable proof of how we stand with people who live with these conditions.

Meet the Phantasticals


We are a team of dedicated experts with a passion for ensuring the patient voice is heard in every activity.


Ferrer for good patients