Ferrer  ecovadis platinum

We are EcoVadis Platinum!

At Ferrer, we continue to take giant steps towards achieving our social and environmental commitments because, for the company, what we do is just as important as how we do it.

This year, our efforts have earned us the Platinum distinction from EcoVadis, a platform that thoroughly examines companies' practices in the areas of environment, labor and human rights, ethics, and procurement. It is the tool we use to evaluate our suppliers, and therefore, it is crucial to have a score that allows us to set an example.

And we have achieved it. Because this year we have obtained the highest possible recognition, with a score of 81 points out of 100, improving upon the 69 points from last year. This achievement has allowed us to obtain the Platinum distinction and, having surpassed the threshold of 78 points, positions us in the top 1% of the over 100,000 companies evaluated by EcoVadis annually.

According to Marta Anglada, Head of Sustainability at Ferrer, "These fantastic results reaffirm our commitment to improve every year to become a benchmark in the fight for social justice. At Ferrer, we don't do things to obtain a certification or recognition, but rather, we do them to improve the health of the planet and people, and furthermore, to try to spread this way of being in the world to other companies in the sector and our suppliers."

The score obtained last year has improved in all evaluated areas.

Ferrer ecovadis platinum

This year, in addition to being recognized as a BCorp and joining the United Nations Global Compact, the main reasons for increasing results in each of the categories are as follows:

Environment: We have worked on our water policy to incorporate criteria for the contamination of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs). Labor and human rights: We have updated and created new policies to address the issues they evaluate. Ethics: We have obtained the ISO37001 certification and implemented new procedures. Procurement: We have progressed in our Suppliers for Good project and improved some indicators.

This great achievement will not make us stop on the path, but rather, it encourages us to continue working to improve our processes and policies and identify areas for improvement that may result in a higher score for next year's evaluation.


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